Darn it...i will get one of these things going eventually LOL
so...what can i blether about...ah the European GP from Valencia, the footie and some tennis
I'll set the scene from yesterday...
2yr old B has put himself down for a nap, completely dead to the world with the manky Teddy in one hand (no chance of stealing to wash as his little vice-like grip is NOT for letting go) and the other hands thumb shoved in his gob
"The Chain" starts playing over the TV...."WRAY-SING CAAAAAHHHHHRRRSSSS" screeches the 3yr old G (he'll name that tune in 1 lol )
Jake is blethering away about McLaren when *tug tug* with acompanying radioactive aura of smell..."muh-meee...i done a pooopeeee"
wonderful (note the extreme use of sarcasm)...i'll spare the details tho LOL
the race starts and we're pointing out cars and naming drivers so the 3yr old knows a bit more...love the way he says "shoogahrrrmahkeurrr" lol, he IS getting better and recognising more cars and individual drivers...anyway, Webber pits early after he had a pretty naff start,dosnt go quite right and i hear movement from the 2 yr old...go to investigate
3yr old screeches "OH NO MUMMY...MARK WEBBER CRAAAAAASHED!!!"...nah...oh...replay...feck that was fast,...flings steering wheel (thanks to Rubens at Monaco we all know how expensive and hardwearing those things are), and gets out...PHEW and thank gawd to the designers of those cockpits, 20 years ago he would NEVER have been able to walk away with minor cuts and bruises
while said spawn are devouring cheese sarnies and pickled onion monster munch like the rabid munchins that they are... the race continues
Go Kobayashi...it was lap 50 odd and he still hadn't pitted...how on earth are you keeping those tyres running???
OMG, looking good Rubens!!! FOURTH place! Well done to the Williams team,you guys have been struggling with that underpowered Cosworth engine, sorry about Hulk, he definitely deserved better too. I had joked about putting money on HRT or Virgin getting points after the other sports results over the week...wasnt too far out was I? lol
At the end...yay for Seb, those points keep Red Bull up by the McLaren boys and keeps it interesting... thank gawd Webber is fine,how the h*ll he can be relaxed enough for an interview with the beeb?
I hope in 20 years or so to be looking up at one of those podiums thinking "that's MY boy/s"...Frau Schumacher should know what i mean LOL
Mahoosive snickers at Kbayashi overtaking Aonso, Sauber beating the works Ferrari was most titilating.
TV turned over,no red button forum for us as the footie was on and hubby wanted to watch,even the end of the standard beeb program was lucky to be seen and the start of the footie was sky+ed...i gather from twitter that all tv dudes at valencia had a power problem so it was cut short anyway,only about 12 mins of the usual hour...conspiracy dudes suggest they all wanted to watch the footie...Jake Humphrey protests this is not true of couse LOL
But needless to say being a Scottish household we did snicker mightily and the 2nd German overpowering display of the day...jokey texts/tweets/facebook status updates ensue...half my feeds are Scots swapping laughing remarks about the poor show from the English team, the other half are in general complaining about the really pooey showing the boys made (i've toned down the extreme disgust that was voiced)
What they need to do is be more Scottish...we don't go to the footie EXPECTING to win...if anything we HOPE to win but EXPECT to lose...we go for the party...win/lose we celebrate/commiserate...who cares lets PAHHHRRRTTAAAYYYY
If you havnt seen them yet the Irn Bru adverts are looking good...Bruzil 2034 PMSL, love the tongue in cheek humour
The tennis has been watched but not the same amount...Murrays done okay so far,getting thru easy enough, almost shocking results for Federer and Nadal...and dear gawd an 11 hour game,with over 200 aces,ending 60/58 in the final set !!! I know they'll change the rules and bring in some tie-break for the final set...shame really as if anyone looks like they could end up getting close,they should be allowed the chance to beat the record...altho i dont know if anyone would really want to, and those footie nancies get paid silly money to ponse about for 90 mins and think they've done a hard job (the F1 boys get away with large salaries in my mind for danger money and the massive gforces they cope with)
And now to silverstone...last year it clashed with my then 1yr olds first birthday (his party started at 3pm after qualifying lol)...this year it's the local Harbour Gala on the Sunday...sorry boys,but you're not old enough yet to really appreciate standing around for ages in the probable pouring rain for a brief glimps of a helicopter and a doughnutting lifeboat...we can picnic in the living room with a 42" tv and surround sound :-)